Summer is over! Classes have begun! Time is moving too fast! How do you remember everything?! Don’t you worry, HPAC’s got your back!
As you begin your respective year in college, remember these important dates!
Add/Drop Period (Varies) Sometimes your schedule doesn’t work, a class may not be what you expected, or you realize you need to add more credits to meet financial aid requirements. Whatever the reason, knowing your school specific add/drop period is important. It usually within the first 2 weeks of the semester, so jot it down!
Withdrawal Deadline (Varies) Sometimes the class is going great, great, great, and then boom. A personal or family emergency happens. The class takes a sudden learning curve shift. Whatever the reason, knowing your school specific withdrawal period is important. It usually within the last 2 weeks of the semester, so jot it down!
To contact Astro for questions, comments, concerns, please reach out via email at or via phone/text at 917-891-7409. To schedule a virtual meeting or in-person meeting, please visit Astro’s Calendly at